Not just a hobby
I was inspired, now my life is pickleball
Senior pro, IFP & USAP Ambassador & court referral, partner in Boxcar Productions.
I was inspired, now my life is pickleball
Senior pro, IFP & USAP Ambassador & court referral, partner in Boxcar Productions.
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GAMMA Sports Senior Pro Athlete
USAP Domestic & International Ambassador
IFP Certified Instructor and Coach for clinics and private instruction, video analysis of your game.
Livestream & media consultant, Boxcar Productions Associate Producer & Technical Director, Sports promoter.
USA Pickleball referral consultant & professional court construction consultant
I promote pickleball as a USA and IFP International Ambassador.
My pickleball family and friends mean the world to me. My time is your time. Let's make the world a little smaller through the sport of pickleball!
My support team consists of the amazing GAMMA Sports family and company. I also couldn't share and spread Pickleball seeds all across these great lands without all the wonderful people, families, and friends who help host me in their homes. The memories and friendships that develop are priceless.
I believe in sportsmanship first. The sport is the game, and we are all in it together. While I am very competitive, I also want to support all the competitors as we strive to make the sport of Pickleball great. I work every day to better myself and to better the game. Can't means won't. If you want to get better, put in the practice time. You can't repeat the same ineffective actions and expect a different result.
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